President Obama's executive actions on immigration reform created heated debates on both sides on this sensitive issue. Millions of people watched the Spanish TV broadcast of his speech. Meanwhile, the US media ignored it. The gap was filled with social media. Twitter is loaded with comments on this issue, and the hashtags #immigrationAction and #passAbill have been trending the whole day.
So many people have hoped for this types of measure for so long. The executive action affects so many people in this nation. Heartfelt cries rose from all across the nation. Some thanked the President. Less people praised this nation for "who we are". There have been angry comments against his actions, or simply against the President. Most of the comments are disproportional to what the exective action does, however, which simply gives the time for undocumented of those who meets the condition for staying.
On the other side, there are voices calling out for comprehensive immigration reforms and for covering more people. Tech companies have demanded expanding visa program. As the President spoke on the law during the speech on Friday, some broke in and demanded more actions on reforms. The President again showed his leadership; he listened, then talked to the man. His leadership showed another thing; what is possible, or simply, "hopes".
The Congress must pass bills for making any changes in the laws. For this, the President said in the speech "pass a bill" or #passabill. So said our newly elected governor of Illinois (Rauner says Obama immigration move 'great start').
Let us hope the Congress shows its capacity to move things forward.