Is Trump a product of Obama?

Is Trump the final by-product of seven years of Obama in the office?

The Presidential candidate Donald Trump looks just the opposite of Obama.  No rhetoric of politician "Trump says things as it is", self-funded "he can't be bought", and "making America great again" by making the rich representing the US, not by the poor. 

Could the locker room talk of honesty in public please the audience, or could that sound awkward after President Obama's comments on the same issue?  Could that vulgarity be taken as honesty or populism?

What is the virtue of professionalism of a politician?  It is simple.  It is about getting the money for nothing (or just by rhetoric).  Not even for getting elected, for that matter at times.  Fund-raising is a sort of business.  The pro politician gets money either from the voters or from the party.  The party politics is important. 

Think about how Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders debated in Miami about immigration, and all others.  On education, Hillary said home-loan style refinancing would work while Sanders said all public universities should be free.

Hillary is winning more than 1000 delegates, no matter what the result of the debate is.  Having said that, her comments on her not being 'professional politician' may or may not resonate with the voters surely fed up with the professionalism in DC.

Florida will vote on Tuesday.