President Obama boasted on Monday at the 2016 SelectUSA Investment Summit that the US is the best place for business. He talked of higher graduation rate, lower healthcare cost growth, and best universities would make the States the best place for business. For sure under his Administration, the graduation rate went up. It went up from some 70% and upward. For sure under his Administration, the premiums went up at the lowest rate. It went up at a faster rate under Bush. But here is this:
Most of other OECD nations have higher graduation rates. Some nations, such as Denmark, Japan, and Poland boast of having the graduation rates at over 90%.
Which nation has higher healthcare costs? The medicines in the US are so expensive that around 9% of the people here said they won't take them. It is bad for business as that the company must pay for the healthcare.
Who are studying at those universities? In particular, in science and engineering fields? Why should those universities have quota for limiting students from certain parts of the world (Asia, that is)?
Here is yet another important point: what about the cost of security? The cost of security is much lower in any other parts of the world. The Senate just voted down the gun bills. What is hindering them voting for requiring background checks for gun shows? After the Orlando incident, you might have thought the no-fly-no-buy bill would have better chance of passing, at least in the Senate?
How about infrastructure? Here in Florida, I've gone through some of the troubles including: power outage, water supply, and problems with the Internet connection (Comcast). My cars have been vandalized and I got my license plate take out of my car.
I've just been reading that China created the world fastest super computer. China is the largest market in the world now. It is the largest manufacturer of PC's.
While the patriots talking about 'the good things about America' is fine, it has blinded people of something that indeed are taken for granted in other developed nations.
The US is a good place for business for sure. Capitalism not only ruins our way of life, it governs the politics and media. There are, however, places for improvement.
Most of other OECD nations have higher graduation rates. Some nations, such as Denmark, Japan, and Poland boast of having the graduation rates at over 90%.
Which nation has higher healthcare costs? The medicines in the US are so expensive that around 9% of the people here said they won't take them. It is bad for business as that the company must pay for the healthcare.
Who are studying at those universities? In particular, in science and engineering fields? Why should those universities have quota for limiting students from certain parts of the world (Asia, that is)?
Here is yet another important point: what about the cost of security? The cost of security is much lower in any other parts of the world. The Senate just voted down the gun bills. What is hindering them voting for requiring background checks for gun shows? After the Orlando incident, you might have thought the no-fly-no-buy bill would have better chance of passing, at least in the Senate?
How about infrastructure? Here in Florida, I've gone through some of the troubles including: power outage, water supply, and problems with the Internet connection (Comcast). My cars have been vandalized and I got my license plate take out of my car.
I've just been reading that China created the world fastest super computer. China is the largest market in the world now. It is the largest manufacturer of PC's.
While the patriots talking about 'the good things about America' is fine, it has blinded people of something that indeed are taken for granted in other developed nations.
The US is a good place for business for sure. Capitalism not only ruins our way of life, it governs the politics and media. There are, however, places for improvement.