Hillary says she will overturn Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision that let the 1%ers' and corporations donate unlimited and undisclosed amount of money.
The public office deals with public money. It is our tax money. We are all taxed and unfairly so. The rich are taxed less, and the middle class are taxed at higher rates. The lawmakers represent us and determine how we spend the money. If the public money is from the public, they'd better represent tax payers.
We all are taxed, unfairly, and they do not represent us.
Because the election runs by the huge sum of the donated money. The corporations and the rich can afford it, and others do not. If unlimited undisclosed money affect the policy making process, it unfairly favors the corporations and the rich. You wake up and being kept awake for the interests of the corporations and the rich.
Hold them accountable.
Her First 30 Days: Clinton Will Propose Amendment to Overturn Citizens United via @thenation https://t.co/N2I996wWHF— Vivian Griffin (@AdamsFlaFan) July 17, 2016