President Trump at NATO summit

NATO summit will be held in Brussels, Belgium.  Posing a challenge possibly against all the hawks or the moderates that fear Russina possible invasion, President Trump issued a very provocative tweet yesterday.  The President of the United States tweeted after meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis, "more determined than ever to pursue PEACE in our world".

Granted his use the word PEACE in the context of something like "peace through strength" etc, such assurance right before meeting with NATO members might have been -- provocative.  It might sound like a you-need-us threat.

Finding a scapegoat elsewhere is a usual tactics in politics.  Some nation might even go ahead and start bombing the evil, killing militants and civilans alike.  By bombing, the voters might be assured of the strong leader, thereby raising the approval rates.

Let us hope he meant peace as how we would perceive the word peace.  Bombing civilians might spare the lives of the soldiers but ineffective in ending a civil war.  PEACE is an absolute condition of all civilian life and economic activities.  Let us hope NATO will indeed be fighting against terrorism and not creating one.