VR/AR (virtual reality/augumented reality)

The VR/AR (virtual reality/augumented reality) technology is just around the corner.  Sony's Playstation VR is selling, US media companies started out broadcasting news with VR, and now SoftBank has invested $500m in a UK tech start-up Improbable.

It is a matter of making it acceptable for the society overall.  Just as consecutive series of the images will create movie, it is only 'a toy' if not be associated with and incorporated into the culture.

The technology will change our perception of the world entirely.  You look at the image, reach at the object that you see, then there you go, after all, we only perceive our world only with our our visual input.

The business side of it, it opens a big market for entertainment.  The possibility is tremendous.  Documentaries, education, tele-conference, and industrial application, etc.