Populism and the New World Order

Populism hardly ever gets criticized in this nation. It only is democratic even if it may not be politically correct nor plausible. Paradoxes and dilemmas, counter arguments, why-nots and creating headlines. Not all popular themes are moral nor considerate, either politically or by concepts. They might even damage the national interests.

They may be symbolic, and symbolism is not all bad. It may tell us something that we can not talk about in direct terms. The political hot button issues hardly ever get constructive. If the argument is as vague and dogmatic as saving unborn babies, you'd rather stick with symbolism of eggs, fertilization, cell division and cell differentiation.

There are political taboos that we just can not tolerate. At war time, collaboration with the enemy state is a taboo.  People are dying for it. What of calling out for cooperation with Russia?

President Trump, sworn in as the most democratic representative of the voices of people, is doing exactly that. It is reported, that the President talked with Putin on forming a cyber security unit with Russia.

Challenging the taboos comes with a great political price, as he casually cast off all the concerns from the right wing. Meanwhile, it certainly grabs headlines all the same. Is he indicating a new era of the West versus some greater enemies and challenges? What role are we playing in the new world order?