President Trump on North Korea Sanctions

President Trump talked on the phone with Chinese President Xi and French President Macron, reportedly on North Korean issue. The EU is hosting a meeting on Monday. The US is demanding the implementation of the sanctions in the US Security Council resolution 2371. Who are for or against the initiative?

North Korean public media openly claims the impoverished Stalinist nation can target the entire the US continent. The region is preparing for the possible missile launch targeting near Guam. While the rhetoric on both sides are escalting in this war of words, China has issued statements that may sound something like they are afraid of 'rocking the boat'. The nuclear development programs, however, is a common concern for all that are in the region and elsewhere.

Russia sided with the rest of us this time for the UNSC Resolution 2371. Meanwhile, the campaign against the initiative by its allies continues worldwide; the threat of nuclear war, the sanctions uniting them for the regime, fascism and nationalism be the basis of such initiatives etc. Could there ever be the risk of military confrontations of such kind while they are testing the ICBM? Could the isolated citizens of North Korea be any more showing faithful blind obedience by this worldwide oppositions against the regime? Could fascism or nationalism be the basis of the region's preparedness for the possible missile launch?

Partisan politics and the concerns for regional geopolitical power balance should not block the 'negotiation' with the regime.