Virginia: GOP lost

Virginia voted and elected Northam (D) in a closely contested race with Gillespie (R).

Who voted against the Republican candidate?

The fiscal conservatives:

The rich having invested in the election and now facing scandals including the Paradise paper (his Commerce Secretary Ross still possessing assets in tax heaven) and Russian connection (Russians invested in Facebook). The tax reform has not got the enough votes yet and is very unpopular among the voters.

The white supremacists:

Despite the claims of the Administration that the illegal immigration went down by 80%, despite the low unemployment rates, despite the stock market doing so well, there has been no chorus of that is making this nation great. The wall has not been built, only the prototypes.

The disillusioned Trump supporters:

Some retiring GOP members, McCain, Corker, Flakes openly criticized President Trump. The public ridicule, however vague that may be, by the members of GOP party has lowered the approval rates of the President Trump among voters.

The unkept promises of Trump, including his promises of lowering the healthcare premiums, lowering the drug prices, lowering the crime rates apparently have not gained the confidence of his supporters. Despite attempts of his Administration of private healthcare providers competing for services at lower rates, importing drugs, the fight against the drug cartels, the Virginian people voted against eliminating Sanctuary cities.

Will the results of this election re-calibrate the stance of the GOP party? If not, the choices of the people will be clear. Expect some hard campaigning for the Alabama senatorial race between Moore (R) and Jones (D) next month.