Nuclear Button

President Trump responded the threat from the dear leader of North Korea on nuclear weapons, "on the same level" claiming his "button" is bigger. 

One might wonder in such a case, is he talking about the US's nuclear weapons, as a means of distracting the resentment against nukes? Or is it simply making the point that the US surpasses by the scale of its military forces?

No one in the region ever hope for a war, of any scale, against any. The resolution would imply every effort should be upon denucleartize North Korea. No nation should threaten by military attacks -- and demand money, for that matter, while threatening its own citizens from talking with their neighbors. 

If they let North Korea have the weapons, nothing would stop those neighboring nations from arming. Aircraft carriers, Tomahawks, and long range missiles, or missile defense systems. 

The essential step from their getting disarmed starts with sending our views of the weapons, not letting them commemorating the weapons by issuing stamps, ice sculptures, nor in speeches. The rumors of radiation 'disease', mudslides, testing site collapse might have impressions on the mindset of the citizens there.  That would be the first step for setting the direction of the regime.