SOTU Responses

President Trump gave his State of the Union address yesterday.  The media reacted worldwide in different ways. They talk of -- the American moment, or his moment, if not with some irony ("opening of a new era"). The President talked like Trump, or Trumpism is very clear.

They have noted his optimism and his claims on the economic successes, while claims of falsehood no his figures on his achievements. What is important, of course, is his reconsiliatory tones. He talks about the unity of the nation. Will he ever deliver his promises made in his speech?

There are voices of concerns on his references of North Korea, Iran, and Cuba. He boasted of opening Guantanamo, which underlines his and his nation's brutaliy. Which might have resulted in the Turkish media mute on his speech. That may be because of his calling Islam 'radical'.  President Trump talked of maximizing the pressure on the North Korean regime, so that they will give up on the North Korean nuclear weapons and missiles.

Concerns on trade wars based upon his claims on 'reciprocal' trade deals and 'balanced' trade, might have been the Chinese media not talking about his speech. Meanwhile ignoring his speech may not results in better analysis on his policies.  They must understand the difference between state oppression and criticisms by the individuals; the former suppresses the individuals and the latter is the basis of the democratic world -- the freedom of thoughts.