Florida Governor Rick Scott announced he would set the age limit for gun purchases, facing the criticisms of the Parkland shooting.
The governor would ban bump stocks.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on TV criticized by his stance of receiving the money from NRA.
WATCH: Florida Gov. Scott announces plan to "require all individuals purchasing firearms to be 21 or older," with exceptions for military and law enforcement members. pic.twitter.com/cWGRPHMf90— NBC News (@NBCNews) February 23, 2018
The governor would ban bump stocks.
NEW: Florida Gov. Rick Scott announces plan that calls for "all individuals purchasing firearms" to be 21 or older and also outlaws bump stocks. https://t.co/F97QXlSkk2— Geoff Bennett (@GeoffRBennett) February 23, 2018
— Frank M (@Ketolifestyles) February 23, 2018