Cyber-bullying: Barbara Bush "an amazing racist"

Those educational institutes should not be profit oriented. The big donor money could influence the school teachings. They would never teach that the wealth disparity brings social injustice, high crime rates, and suppression of the freedom of speech.

Fresno State, now seems afraid that it might lose big donors for the comments made by one of the professor tweeted on Barbara Bush. She described the famed woman from Queens, NY as "an amazing racist" that bred "a war criminal". The school President Joseph Castro claimed it is 'beyond free speech'.

Should this be a case of cyber-bullying? If so, which side is bullying? Surely not on her side? The former President led this nation into the Iraq War. How could we ended up in a war against the state which has not posed any threat against the US? If it were not for the racist motive, or religious one, could there ever be any reason that we should be -- killing the people in Iraq, sending off fighter jets?

Going into a war without the international or UN mandate, should provide enough reason for calling the leader a war criminal. More than a million have died in Iraq, citizens included. The US does not have blanket protection to say or do and do what they wish. The leaders should be all held accountable for their actions.

Cyber-bullying should be stopped by all means, and protect the freedom of speech of each and every individual. If a sovereign nation was destroyed by the US military force and people are suffering from the aftermath of the devastation, and the neighboring nations still suffering from the instability caused by the destruction, the respect for the dead may not suppress the freedom of speech nor the emotional reaction of an individual.