In recent weeks, Israel, under the embattled Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, has received serious international condemnation.
Syria: Israel conducted unilateral aerial attacks against the government forces, which allegedly used chemical weapons. The government denies the allegation.
Gaza: IDF assaulted on protesters on the border and dozens were brutally murdered. The video footage shows the snipers aimed at protesters with real bullets, including those came up rescuing the wounded.
African refugees: The Israeli government refused the plans for accepting African refugees, and claims other nations should take them. There have been protests in cities.
Netanyahu's image dented by migrant policy U-turn
Turkish President Erdogan and Russia accused Israel and claimed Israel is a terror nation.
Perhaps it should be noted that any of the above 'reckless' actions won't solve problems nor meant for it. Let us hope the world leadership won't claim the air-bombing can score political points, riding on its reckless unilateral military actions.
Syria: Israel conducted unilateral aerial attacks against the government forces, which allegedly used chemical weapons. The government denies the allegation.
Gaza: IDF assaulted on protesters on the border and dozens were brutally murdered. The video footage shows the snipers aimed at protesters with real bullets, including those came up rescuing the wounded.
African refugees: The Israeli government refused the plans for accepting African refugees, and claims other nations should take them. There have been protests in cities.
Netanyahu's image dented by migrant policy U-turn
Turkish President Erdogan and Russia accused Israel and claimed Israel is a terror nation.
Perhaps it should be noted that any of the above 'reckless' actions won't solve problems nor meant for it. Let us hope the world leadership won't claim the air-bombing can score political points, riding on its reckless unilateral military actions.