Who is receiving the Saudi money?
The House Rules Committee has approved a rule (on a separate bill) that removes eligibility for privileged consideration of H.Con.Res.138, which would direct an end to US military support to Saudi coalition operations in Yemen. Sec. 4 of H.Res.1142 & more: https://t.co/yTapNTb7ta— Chris Blanchard (@cm_blanchard) November 14, 2018
Just as GOP leadership stripped @RepBarbaraLee's bipartisan AUMF amendment from Approps bill last year, they are now trying to prevent debate on a key BIPARTISAN #Yemen war powers bill (HConRes 138). It's shameful, but not surprisinghttps://t.co/H57bMgCT9M— M.A. Keifer (@KeiferMA) November 14, 2018
The mother died of hunger. Her boys think she's sleeping... we re talking about #Yemen.— Mehdi Rizvi (@MehdiRizvi123) November 13, 2018
- Ayad Heidari
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