Now the Floridan gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum's name is international. This Florida race, in which the young Tallahassee mayor challenges the establishment and his Republican opponent, is drawing attestation worldwide. Yesterday's rally with Obama was televised.
Florida is a purple state, and deemed an important key state that could affect the 2020 Presidential election. "We are at a cross road," Obama said yesterday in his rally in Miami. He addressed the issues that concern all of us. Healthcare. Immigration. Education. Environment. While you are looking away, the Republicans will deprive you of your healthcare. The unfair tax cuts for the rich certainly not only widen the wealth gap but will threaten our national security. He did not mention DACA nor dreamers that President Trump trashed. He talked of higher education. He did criticize the current divisive isolationist foreign policies of the US.
We will have a new governor. What will change? The former President posed a question: why is he doing this? What is he fighting against, for whom or what? The character of the country is in question, he said. And of course, they can't hear you boo. But they can hear you vote.