President Trump on Prime Time TV: The Walls (or Barriers)

President Trump spoke on TV last night on the current budget impasse over the wall funding.

What has been remarkable is the overwhelming outcries of the voices against him and his policies on border security. In contrast, the deafening silence should tell the nature of this sensitive problem. 

The arguments against the wall include the difficulties of the government employees, the humanity of or inhumanity of the families crossing the border, along with claims the President cannot speak proper English and tell us issues that concern us. 

Could the wall or steel fences protect us from crimes committed by undocumented? There are claims the US citizens commit more crimes than newcomers. Is this talk about refugees? We accept less refugees in recent years. 

The President stated there will be a talk with the Congressional leaders. While the expectations are low, let us hope those professional politicians in Washington indeed talk on issues that concern us.