"The Republic of North Macedonia"

The Macedonian parliament ratified the law that names itself "The Republic of North Macedonia". This is reflecting the objection from its neirhboring Greek government, claiming Macedonia if of their own since the time of Alexander the Great. 

It may sound that their struggle is over.  The interesting repercussion of this vote, however, is that now the Greek's Tsipras coalition government is facing a confidence vote as his coalition partner opposes the compromise deal. 

Another more interesting consequences of the name change is in that this compromise might pave the way for its participation in NATO and the EU, which might warn Russia; that might lose its influence over Balkan nations. So the Greek government might be defending themselve from more enemies from within and abroad. 

By the political argument on the nation's decision on the name, the struggle of the region either siding with the West risking the ira from the Eastern allies or joining the protest against the unpopular government and the EU at the time of the UK Parliament voting on the Brexit plan, indicate the intricate balance is at stake in the region.