Japan voted and the fight for freedom continues

Japan voted and the ruling party retained the majority in the upper house. PM ABE Shinzo would become the longest serving PM in the history. The coalition fell short of the votes required for initiating the revision of the Constitution. 

The presumed sales tax hike in October is heavily criticized while the split opposition party kept its defensive stance the whole time. The prominent internet figures and new parties secured the seats, which may have sent a warning signal against the traditional media. "The Party to Protect the People from NHK" secured a seat that is against the mandatory fees of the public broadcast company NHK.  A wheel chair bound ALS patient from Reiwa Shinsengumi, new party founded by the popular senator YAMAMOTO Taro, was elected and created headlines around the globe. 

While the ruling party mostly designated male candidates, the half of the elected officials from Tokyo and Osaka, the largest cities in Japan were female. 

The nation's fight against the vested interests and the traditional hierarchy will continue; sexual harassment is not a way of shutting the mouth of an individual; personal accusations is not the freedom of speech by the state; politically unfavorable speech is not an excuse of punishment; feminism is not about praising the high school drop-out mentality of female uneducated enjoying the shopping spree.