Learning does not 'come with a price'. It takes efforts, not money. Nor any types of social, economical, and political prices. It is PERSONAL. It is not a social activity.
Looking at companies making money and charging taxes, that is the role of the government or lawmakers. Looking at some achievement of a person and demanding donation is not the role of the government nor lawmakers. No, your relatives and friends talking about your life is not the price of the materials that they teach.
Break up the cult -- the cult like atmosphere is absolutely unnecessary in this modern world in learning. Any learners of any skill would know the world offers them more resources than a particular guru that 'dominates' your private time. Knowing their personalities may not be the center focus of the learners. Sharing the world with other learners could be better, yet it still is PERSONAL. Collaborative learning maybe, not collective learning.
The Internet offers not the gurus but us the rest of us the knowledge and the pathways of thinking. They communicate with the math symbols and chemical formula, still in the style slightly modified from the way developed in paper era. The video clips shows the thought pathways, logical deductions, hyperlinks organize the complex notions, wikis and comments offers collaborative editing, and modeling gives better pictures of the concepts.
A world of a person consists not only of people. We think in abstract notions. A math formula has its own voice; which may be more logical, impressive, beautiful, moving, telling, meaningful, and may have more power over us than the puppet like figures in the media. Limiting the abstract concepts in the form of a person or a nation is not at all human-oriented in any way possibly. It is a demise of the human reason. The influential figures dominating a field of science should not deter a learner by their prejudice. The importance of a formula can not be determined by the nationality of the person that discovered it.
Our internet access should not be based upon prejudice, be it race, gender, personal life style, political beliefs, types of degrees, etc. That is censorship. The segregation is not only of sitting in a different classroom. We will not be on the same page if the world we look at is different. The white only page or black only page, male only page will divide this nation as much as the disproportional Congress.
Say, YouTube does not have any sort of filters for gender nor race. That would be discriminatory. The classification the video clips is discriminatory in itself. If the filter is set by the state, that definitely the violation of human rights.
The prejudice! There should be no need for any learners the need for convincing their family, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, or powerful someone for proving their abilities. Life is short; we have no time for this. If they say they can, they can learn. With or without others approving their learning.
The world of math and sciences open the gate for the learners with the inspirational and ingenuity of the people around the globe. This is the era of the Internet. Not a cult run by a guru interfering your life style.
We learn therefore we exist. Learning is important. It is our rights and duty, as a human being.
Looking at companies making money and charging taxes, that is the role of the government or lawmakers. Looking at some achievement of a person and demanding donation is not the role of the government nor lawmakers. No, your relatives and friends talking about your life is not the price of the materials that they teach.
Break up the cult -- the cult like atmosphere is absolutely unnecessary in this modern world in learning. Any learners of any skill would know the world offers them more resources than a particular guru that 'dominates' your private time. Knowing their personalities may not be the center focus of the learners. Sharing the world with other learners could be better, yet it still is PERSONAL. Collaborative learning maybe, not collective learning.
The Internet offers not the gurus but us the rest of us the knowledge and the pathways of thinking. They communicate with the math symbols and chemical formula, still in the style slightly modified from the way developed in paper era. The video clips shows the thought pathways, logical deductions, hyperlinks organize the complex notions, wikis and comments offers collaborative editing, and modeling gives better pictures of the concepts.
A world of a person consists not only of people. We think in abstract notions. A math formula has its own voice; which may be more logical, impressive, beautiful, moving, telling, meaningful, and may have more power over us than the puppet like figures in the media. Limiting the abstract concepts in the form of a person or a nation is not at all human-oriented in any way possibly. It is a demise of the human reason. The influential figures dominating a field of science should not deter a learner by their prejudice. The importance of a formula can not be determined by the nationality of the person that discovered it.
Our internet access should not be based upon prejudice, be it race, gender, personal life style, political beliefs, types of degrees, etc. That is censorship. The segregation is not only of sitting in a different classroom. We will not be on the same page if the world we look at is different. The white only page or black only page, male only page will divide this nation as much as the disproportional Congress.
Say, YouTube does not have any sort of filters for gender nor race. That would be discriminatory. The classification the video clips is discriminatory in itself. If the filter is set by the state, that definitely the violation of human rights.
The prejudice! There should be no need for any learners the need for convincing their family, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, or powerful someone for proving their abilities. Life is short; we have no time for this. If they say they can, they can learn. With or without others approving their learning.
The world of math and sciences open the gate for the learners with the inspirational and ingenuity of the people around the globe. This is the era of the Internet. Not a cult run by a guru interfering your life style.
We learn therefore we exist. Learning is important. It is our rights and duty, as a human being.