Source: euronews
France went ahead with taxing the IT giants, aka the digital services tax or DST. The law imposes taxes on companies that offer "online intermediation services/targeted digital advertising" with worldwide revenue over € 750 M. The EU is seeking a similar taxation system as some nations have been opposing the move, such as Ireland.
While the EU has been critical on the copyrights issues as they do not offer original contents, the governments and parties rarely attack those IT giants for anything, even of data breach and fake news that affects the elections. It certainly could be a challenge.
Is this -- some attempts for breaking up the monopoly of those IT giants that stifle the venture capitals? Perhaps not at this tax rate. The convenience of monopoly certainly has killed app companies, and competition. The browser case is a successful one; the regulatory body saved the competition for the benefits of the users.
However you term the leadership, or draining the swamp, considering that Amazon paid no federal income tax last year, this bold move might give you some insight on how our systems work.