President Trump backed off support for universal background checks

President Trump reportedly backed off his support for universal background checks after a talk with NRA's Wayne LaPierre. 

This shocked me in many ways. President Trump has been on our side, the side of ordinary people, the most likely victims of casual or easy gun crimes. If you can get a gun at supermarket, every one of us would be the victims. Walmart still has not stopped selling guns. 

Supposing, say, you'd be looking at someone speaking out loud about the 'invasion' and frequent the shooting range, brandishing guns. Criminal records, mental health problems, none can prevent him from getting guns. The freedom of speech bans guns, does not endorse use them in support of your speech. 

President Trump got elected saying he is free from such lobbyists and he can run the race on his own. Now that he is in a better position of getting the funding, what could ever deterred him from pressing upon such a common sense measure?

Yet another thing that is shocking, is the media. Now the media is putting out his images all out. Granted the summit is coming up, the shocking news should be taken as such -- killing the measure that could save thousands of people from gun violence. Is NRA such a big donor of the media? Is it such a popular organization? If it is, it is the responsibility of the media and the Administration that presented them as the savior of the 'might is right' situation that the guns empower your former colleagues and neighbors. 

The Dems have been slow in taking his initiative. This partisanship is harmful. If we can not take this opportunity, it would cause the irreparable damage in terms of the polls.