'Public Charge' Rule

The Trump Administration announced 'Public Charge' rule that may exclude green card holders from obtaining citizenship for those uses public assistance. 

This inhumane policy that denies the federal help for those that would need it the most would not encourage naturalization. While it clearly target the Dem prone immigrants, the move might cost the targeted non-white votes. 

Some tweet about not using the public assistance out of some 'pride' of self-reliance. Good for them! Having families, friends, and relatives and all of your neighbors speaking your language and sharing the cultural background, boasting of saving yourself from natural or human-made disaster. 

The rule provides some exceptions. The rule excludes refugees and asylum seekers. Which does not make the law look any better in the light of human rights, diversity, and inclusive nation. The arrogance of the exclusive 'superiority' by the like-minded nationalists only divides the nation that inherited the wealth and privilege from their ancestors. The lack of ambition and dynamism will damage the nation, transforming this vibrant economy into stale and deja-vu farce by the vested interests. 

We should encourage people for getting the citizenship, not otherwise. For the sake of economy, social justice and security. Only inclusive society provides the benefit and duty of being a good citizen.