Mental Nazism (National Socialism)

We judge people. We judge people by their outlook, performance, status, physical status, etc. While judging people by the creed, family, wealth may be considered bad taste, judging people by the skin color or gender, it may considered prejudice. 

What if the state, or a dictatorial someone judges a person, and systematize the rating into the social system?

Supposing, that individual looks good, and gets a free-pass for the market. Mind you the aesthetic values varies; paleness and big mouth can be valued more by a specific group of people while natural attire is more favored by all else. The state run mental value system is at work. The one size fits all 'value system' ruins the niche market. But do we value well-dressed ladies at work?

Then if we do not have the state valuing the individual. What if all measured by the money flow?

Say, that individual is valued for the dedication for the work collecting money for the party. Democracy is important. Grassroots can topple a regime, if the time is set for the market collapses and the people need the federal help. The policies of the marvelous orator may affect the party's policies (might not). But do we value the fantastic orator at expensive parties?

If not capitalistic nor state policies, then what of a cult forcing you the image of stereotypes?

What of the mindset of the politician's base, vulgar and spoiled family members?  The image of an individual is rooted in their mindset. Without the help by the intellect, the fixed image would never alter. The images forever be the same as what is imprinted perhaps by the stereotypes. What if that individual can not ever picture a person rejecting such friendliness? 

Our ways of thinking is not totally depends upon the state values nor the local dictators. It is of our innate right that frees us from the irrational money collecting entities that does not help us lead our ways of life. The mental Nazism that ration the good by the state is flawed while the capitalism kills the humanity. Lawlessness nurtures the dictatorial mindset. 

The state may regulate, and the free market stirs appetite. More careful and delicate hands should adjust the interests of all parties concerned. While, evidently, protecting our right as a sovereign entity.