Identity Politics

The party rule differs; Republican stringent rules limit the media outlet while Democrat rules only bind them at elections and grassroots. It is largely influenced by the party leadership by the Presidents. The Dems differ in priorities and action plans for the prioritized agenda and discuss issues in public; yet their consorted attacks on political opponents as in the scandals bind them as a political party.

Consequently, the Dems focus on controversial issues that buys the people's interests, such as plain old scandals that concern any other than the image of the victims. They shows you the sincerity of arguing on political issues; while what get them the votes concerns rumors and bad reputations. The rules that bound them -- the accusation on identity politics -- do not apply in case with the intra-party political fights. During this primary season, you might be hearing more about their identities than their differences on political issues.

The identity politics indeed is toxic. It splits the party, out of birth and the characters that they're born with. Sander's old age matters while Biden's does not. The idealism matters for Warren yet not so much with Sanders. And of course the sexual orientation; diversity indeed in name only. Any mention on their wealth, and in such case, they stand for which side? Do they side with the rest of us? The race evidently is of an issue. The identity politics in its bare form; could you refute the identity? It is no brainer.

The identity politics creates the political scapegoats and the damage it causes is tremendous. It does not question the credibility of the offender; the prejudice does its job and the offended would have no way of regaining the same footing. The fruitless arguments won't get them anywhere as they are meaningless; what if Catholics being accused of their idolatry? It even might be argued it is a compliment.

Will the voters accept the same theme of 2008 campaign of hope that bring this nation together from such Democrats? Or, has that campaign alter the nature of the identity politics at all?