
You if you shut off the mouth of a blogger by harassment, it is not journalism.

Every politician has a rule that 'rules' the followers. It simply just could be money. It could be status. It could be fame, business profit, publicity, a post, or blackmailing.

Just as giving people the money is not as simple as giving off some tips, blackmailing can be complicated. You just do not phone them and say you'd be end up in #ClintonBodyCount. Better yet, you'd force them talking on issues themselves.

Supposing say, you have the confidence as much as Obama does about outlook and talks. The blackmailing starts and ends with you'd be forced the broadcast. Blackmailing on every sort, including very personal issues of yours can become 'weapons' of manipulation (calling it driving). I do not dress up like my next door neighbor nor yours and that is my right.

Citizens must be protected, esp. talking on political issues or democracy dies in darkness. I should not be restrained of my talk on my professors by disgruntled colleague talking of their disgusting made-up stories that dogs jump at.

Very unfortunately, I do not represent the party while reading their 'strategies' is not very hard. The Democratic party is driving the opinion polls toward Biden and willingly and unwillingly the members follow the strategy. Democratic party unified under Biden is nothing but another term of Trump. Namely, continued trade policies and immigration. And no war. Unfortunately on student loan problems, healthcare, and environment.

That is how he survived. His age, race, immigration status, esp. gender.

I represent this community as a proper member and they do not. Some foolish professor cannot quote the member and claim he'd be representing the community would want stereotypical women so much not-so-unlike his. Some populist politician cannot quote the member of the clan as if he is on our side and claim he knows what is good for me.