COVID-19 vs President Trump vs Media

President Trump at a press conference mentioned there is a way that you can prevent the virus entry into our body system. 

And the media response is rather extreme. Here is the headline from Washington Post:

Trump asked if disinfectants could be injected to kill coronavirus inside the body. Doctors answered: ‘People will die.’

Did he say anything of that sort? No, he did not. And the reporters did not respond in any way possible at the press conference. Yet here goes the "fake" media goes with this catchy sensational headlines. 

As we do not know how the virus damage our immune system, researchers look for ways in coping with the virus, in this case, at its entry into our body system. The spike attachment and the subsequent cleavage of the protein is mediated by the substance that the researchers suggest could be suppressed of its actions. 

The article may be saying something else; people start complaining on the economy substantially affected by the lock down measures. As we do not know, however, whether we would ever acquire immunity, the most effective way of saving lives is minimized transmission by lock down. 

While the message could differ from the superficial interpretation of the wording, the political aim targeting discrediting the President, may risk our safety as a nation that is struggling against the invisible enemy.