President Trump said he would reduce the size of the US base in Germany. The Administration may withdraw thousands of troops by September.
Is this a sign of peace prevailed in the region between the EU and Russia? Or is it simply one of his America First initiatives? Or is it his retaliation against Chancellor Angela Merkel as she declared she would not come for the summit hosted by President Trump?
Or is it more clearly manifesting more of his business-like sentiment over the NATO fee? He just may be demanding more money. Or, it could be more politically motivated. The US pressure on Germany will affect the regional power balance.
The EU and the US may or may not share interests in the region. Would it be more convenient if with the helps from the expatriates in the US the US can exert more power over the EU politics by supporting mayors and TV figures against the political establishment there in the EU? With the new continent fresh policies and campaign tactics using the media, the US may have the edge.
Whatever the motive is, the critics claim the reduction would only please Russia and undermine the US and the EU alliance. As we fight against the bio-terrorism, the military presence may appear outdated while there always is risks of weakening of the right wing support on either side.
Is this a sign of peace prevailed in the region between the EU and Russia? Or is it simply one of his America First initiatives? Or is it his retaliation against Chancellor Angela Merkel as she declared she would not come for the summit hosted by President Trump?
Or is it more clearly manifesting more of his business-like sentiment over the NATO fee? He just may be demanding more money. Or, it could be more politically motivated. The US pressure on Germany will affect the regional power balance.
The EU and the US may or may not share interests in the region. Would it be more convenient if with the helps from the expatriates in the US the US can exert more power over the EU politics by supporting mayors and TV figures against the political establishment there in the EU? With the new continent fresh policies and campaign tactics using the media, the US may have the edge.
Whatever the motive is, the critics claim the reduction would only please Russia and undermine the US and the EU alliance. As we fight against the bio-terrorism, the military presence may appear outdated while there always is risks of weakening of the right wing support on either side.