President Trump at Kenosha

President Trump was in Kenosha today for talks that should unite the region for solutions while some claim his presence could provoke the protesters.

If it is all politics that motivated the protesters against racial injustice, and even if it is not, the talk at the top level could end the violence. His initiative shows that he cares and should offer an opportunity for showing he can deal with such difficulties, and show it off.

His style of 'mending the ties' did not start with soft words and handshakes with enemies. First, he tried on his supporters. He praised the police and the national guards, and called the mayor a fool, and labeled the protesters anarchists. One of his supporter groups tweeted the chaos is what we should expect from Biden's America.

The "photo ops" tells us something else, however. The video clips from the devastated city by the riot him sadly walking with the victim's family. The people's President, he called himself at the RNC acceptance speech. Generous, forgiving, courageous, caring, he talked of his predecessors.

Will the people trust him leading this great nation?