If a nation is run by some innocent (aka naïve) fellow that cannot possibly program, the world will be in chaos.
In such world, computers just do not work. They have characters.
IMHO, or by any programmer's opinion, the machines just work. It is called logic. Algorithmically, it is programmed and they should just work. It would be very problematic if the machine shows different results for different users. It is called 'censorship'.
That is, if it shows anything, that is called 'censorship'.
Imagine the horror of searching some keyword such as 'Tiananmen Square' using the Chinese-like 'monitored' search engine.
What you'd be looking at on screen as the google search results is by the reference count of that particular page. It is called page view ranking. Any logic other than that is called censorship.
If you have read about the incident such as the criticisms against the Obama family (her ousted from the NY bar drunk underage beating a reporter), search Google. You won't find the article. It is called censorship.
If a person does not know what shame is, by definition he is shameless indeed.
Criticizing against the censorship is not censorship (can't fix stupid).
The Internet does not set your ways of thinking. It should not. While the Google influence certainly affected the last election, the news should be on on the taxation problem in Europe.
The 'censorship' is not some humanity nor kind act of the unknown. It is the abuse of power.
The machine should just work.