Will Georgia be blue? Or red?
Whichever wins, our demands will be the same; bring back the sanity in politics.
The Hollywood style dictatorial 'entertaining' politics 'bored us' already. Is it for us? No. It is for them. Hearing the same comments for the same issues without any solutions for every election, the voters should raise their voice and say no.
Do we have solutions for healthcare? No. Student loans? Immigration issues? Racial divide? Education? And the most crucial of all, the coronavirus.
There have been no warning from the state of Florida so far. Nationwide, the number of cases may peak out at this high level because states such as California imposed a lockdown. Not here in Florida, no measure has been taken. It will result in more cases in Florida in the coming days.
The new Biden Administration has announced certain measures among more popular issues of the new members of his more diverse Administration including mask bans, more stimulus, and tuition-free state universities.
Is this light at the end of the tunnel?