The Bush lies and Trump

 The right wing populism goes with a simple message: let's be honest. Let's abolish PC. The rich gets richer. The rest of us sustain our ways of life by the 'tricled' wealth at their mercy. 

Your enemy is not the rich. Your enemy is your COWORKER!!? They do not block the stimulus bill.  It is not your enemy within. It is the rich at the online Davos Meeting.  

Well, you may indeed be surrounded by foolish bystanders that do not share the value set with you. Or rather, probably they do not cherish your genuine belief nor what you believe is sacred and holy. The insensitivity of the relatives may crush you. Clinton-like insensitive 'progressiveness' is disgusting (no Willie Brown ever).  

But at this time, what Congress debates is about the money, not about the potential employers wanting the weak points that can manipulate you and your jobs. It is the STIMULUS or RELIEF bill that can sustain the life of the rest of us. 

The rich folks lie. That is how they get rich. And richer.