What is a leading question?

 What is a leading question? 

A leading question is a question that induce the person into saying things that gives the impression that the questioner wants. It is something like: 

Why do you think Democrats have low morals? 

Then you'd be saying oh, it is because they own Hollywood and the media. It is a leading question. It does not question whether Democrats can be categorized into that group of people. It probably comes from those lawmakers such as former President Clinton whose Monica affairs put him into a very difficult political situation.  

What if your colleagues or even potential employers start posing questions like: 

Who is your biological father with now? 

It is a leading question. It is based upon some assumption you probably should not make. I do not have a biological father with other women. I would not even come up with such questions unless I have not been looking at Obama.

Those making such assumptions with leading questions abuse their power (if they're in such positions). It probably is based upon some rumors around you (assumptions made sniffing around you). The questions show their life and not yours. And it is not just a question. It is a leading question that may or may not affect your public and private life. 

Rights come with duties.