What is a dictatorship?

 By definition, a dictatorship is a system that runs under the commands of a particular individual.

We all have limitations; being forced upon him is unbearable. I would not be under any sort of a dictator -- even if, that could ever be the hero of the last elections. 

Our ways of life should not be limited indeed. We should be free. The constitutional amendments #1A guarantees us the freedom of thoughts, freedom of expression, and freedom of the way we worship.

Supposing the academic hierarchy demands you an asshole as your supervisor. He sets some 'timing' of your solving math problems. He 'trains' how you solve problems. Then, the elderly professor (or boss-wanna-be) started claiming he prefers women be in the kitchen. The dictatorial powerful Indian male states it's a huge plus if you drive hours every weekend over half a year. We do not think so.

Such dictatorship endorsed by your neighborhood is nothing but tragedy. Your neighbor does not know anything about the academic 'purpose' nor the methodologies. Likewise, the elected officials having power would never know what a math solution is. He only does things that get him popular.

Dictatorship does not work. The ones trained in such systems will only know how they can win the approval of the rich sponsors, or not-so-rich sponsors.

A small nation under such a dictatorship has donated a large sum of money and corrupt politicians worldwide.

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