America, the military superpower

The monolingual complex is an obstacle facing every learner in this nation. The anti-intellectual 'rebels' that boast on their power "you speak our language" perhaps could explain how the governing of such nation as Iraq is not as successful as thought. 

Indeed we do not speak the same language. There is no need for it. A good fence would need for better neighbors. What part of their arrogance should we 'understand'? They do not even speak our language. 

The value set in that community typically is defined in the language they speak. Our community is not defined by the stereotypical "Floridian" nor by gov. DeathSentence. 

The heavy use of stereotypes is not abstraction. A nation is an abstract concept. Typifying the nation by a person is not abstraction, while personification is not without abstraction. The stereotypes only reflect certain aspects that fit certain purposes. 

Personification at times indeed brings unnecessary connotations with the image. Could this nation be typified by the Iraq War? The massacre by air bombings?  Or should it be drone attacks? Or, say, by American English, a dialect of an Indo-European language derived from British English? 

"America" is much more than the military superpower nor its failed colonialization policies elsewhere. And no, speaking English does not make you a military superpower.