The Internet will be more open and free. Thank you President Biden

The most popular and by far the most important communication tools of our time are the internet and mobile phones. Without the internet, our basic necessities will not be met. The schools offer classes online. The grocery stores offer deliveries, much safer for the vulnerable population for food deliveries. Even churches offer online services. 

Since last December, the Biden Administration offer government help for those in need of those communication methods. The bill offers financial aid for low-income houses. The monthly burdens of the internet and phone bills can be greatly reduced. 

This is an election year. Even the race starts online. It is not fair for the voters if only the rich have access and influence over what should be an open and fair platform. There indeed should not be limitations on access. The media access should be free. The participation of the voters in the political discussion should not be limited by the income level. 

The United States should be the capital of the new technologies and should lead the cyberworld. With a little help, the gate is open for those that can volunteer for the task.