They talk about the war. Their patriotism is seemingly directed at accusing the Republicans and Republican-supported industries along with the Republican companies.
But the real problem of this nation is COVID. Pandemics have marred every aspect of our life. President Biden touts the unemployment figure while some companies raised the minimum wage because of labor shortage.
Personally, the pandemics affected my life not only by changing the job market. My job application was accepted, then it has been weeks. It's the court and the paperwork that stalled the process ever since.
In January, my apartment had no service and closed the office, because of COVID. The staff got COVID and there is no one that can patrol the parking lot. The service resumed last month indicating the cases peaked.
While waiting for the paperwork, my life is up in the air. This is a very important moment in my life and career. Damn COVID. It has not left us. We are still fighting.