We had the last Phone Bank session yesterday at the local Democrat office. We talked about the GOP primary race, which is increasingly looking negative from outside. They talk of the Romney-Rubio ticket when all other 'flavor of the month' is not even creating the atmosphere to discuss issues. Each candidate pours in millions of dollars each week to the campaign. What do voters think of the Republican party if they continue on the fight among themselves?
I asked a person in the cafe the other day whether he would support Democrats. He said, "No".
I went on asking which candidate he supports for the Republican candidate. He said, "I do not know yet."
That confirmed some of my convictions. 1. They vote for the party, not for an individual. 2. They are slowing moving into the Internet, from the traditional types of the media.
I asked a person in the cafe the other day whether he would support Democrats. He said, "No".
I went on asking which candidate he supports for the Republican candidate. He said, "I do not know yet."
That confirmed some of my convictions. 1. They vote for the party, not for an individual. 2. They are slowing moving into the Internet, from the traditional types of the media.