Studying is not about classmates.

Studying is fundamentally about acquiring knowledge, developing critical thinking skills, and preparing oneself for future challenges. The primary goal is to understand and master the subject matter, which requires focus, dedication, and a conducive learning environment. While interacting with classmates can enhance the learning experience through discussions and collaborative projects, it should not overshadow the core objective of education. 

Society had laid out a clear, well-trodden path in the name of the betterment of the community. What of a community that denigrates an individual in such ways? This traditional life course was presented as the ultimate blueprint for success and happiness. However, I found myself increasingly at odds with this predetermined trajectory. While my classmates seemed content to follow the prescribed steps, I felt a growing sense of unease. The idea of a life mapped out in advance, with little room for deviation or exploration, felt suffocating. I longed for the freedom to carve my own path. 

The pressure to conform was relentless. Political gatherings, political events, and conversations with colleagues were filled with subtle and overt reminders (or they even call them warnings, or 'wits') of the expected milestones. Questions about my future plans often carried an implicit assumption that I would follow the traditional route. This constant pressure created internal/external conflicts, as I struggled to reconcile my desire for independence with the expectations of those around me. 

The turning point came during my college years. Surrounded by peers who covertly and openly induced me into their life pathways, My passions lay elsewhere—in work, and new technologies- that defied the traditional narrative. 

Deciding to break away from the predestined life course was not easy. It required courage to face the disapproval and confusion of those who couldn’t understand my choices. But as I began to pursue my own interests and passions, I felt a profound sense of liberation. 

Choosing an unconventional path came with its own set of challenges. Financial instability, uncertainty, and the lack of a clear roadmap were daunting. However, the rewards far outweighed the difficulties. I discovered a sense of purpose and authenticity that I had never experienced before. My life became a tapestry of unique experiences and meaningful connections that enriched my soul. 

Resenting the predestined life course was a catalyst for my personal growth and self-discovery. It taught me the importance of staying true to myself and pursuing what genuinely makes me happy. While the traditional path may offer security and predictability, it is not the only route to a fulfilling life. Embracing individuality and forging one’s own path can lead to a richer, more authentic existence.