
McCain, Fortuno, Rice, and Ryan at RNC while President Obama was answering questions on Reddit


A brief survey at a Park in Illinois: the Presidential Election 2012

President Obama: on Issac

RNC postponed

President Obama: the Healthcare Reform

The Citizens United case; in Massachusetts

The Ryan effects

Local talks: Illinois

D or R?

Akin expelled over gaffs

The proudest nation on earth

Making the difference

Family -- what family?

The teaching elements in the Ryan plan

Election 2012: The Role of the Government

Press Conference: Medicare/Medicaid, Deferred Action, Voter ID

What money does to this election

So what about Ryan?

Ryan vs Obama

What do you think of Ryan?

Philippine flood deaths climb to 60

Reactions to GOP's VP pick

GOP's VP candidate: Rep. Paul Ryan

Romney's business; Gurdwara shooting

Life saved; life lost

Gurdwara shooting; Election 2012

Mass shooting in Milwaukee; VP pick?; Hiroshima

Stop NRA Lobbying

Hating Disney films

President Obama: on the Middle Class Tax Cuts

Calls for a ban on high capacity magazines and clips

Taxes, Talks, AWB in Spanish

Ted Cruz; Julian Castro; IL Assault Weapons Ban